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British Medical Association and The Pharmaceutical Society (1986): Routine Mumps Vaccine Not Necessary Posted by vaccinesme on Thursday, January, 29 2009 and filed under Articles Key topics: Mumps Mumps Vaccine In the 1986 edition (no. 11) of the British National Formulary - which is jointly produced by the British Medical Association and the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain - on page 390 under the heading of "mumps" in the section of vaccines, we read:
So in 1986 the British Medical Association and the Pharmaceutical Society stated that both mumps and its complications are very rarely serious - what then suddenly made this very mild childhood disease into a "killer disease" which necessitated scaring the wits out of parents in the few years to follow? It's a question that needs to be answered. Anywhere, here is the proof for the above quotation:
And the cover for this edition: