Alves RS, Barbosa ER, Scaff M.
Postvaccinal parkinsonism.
Mov Disord. 1992;7(2):178-80.
A 5-year-old boy, with a history of fever beginning 15 days after a vaccination for measles, developed a rigid-akinetic syndrome 3 days after the fever began. A spinal tap obtained 1 week after the onset of fever showed pleocytosis with a monocellular pattern. A CT scan of the head and EEG did not disclose any abnormality. An MRI performed 3 months after the event, however, showed clear-cut evidence of bilateral substantia nigra lesions, suggesting secondary gliosis. The response to levodopa was good, but adverse reactions appeared early. The child is now 7 years old. Bromocriptine, deprenyl, and levodopa have produced a remarkable improvement of the parkinsonian features.