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Selected UK MPs Launch Workers' Vaccine Damage Early Day Motion
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Topics: Vaccine Damage

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11.06.2009, Stewart, Ian

That this House notes with concern the serious adverse reactions that some adults have suffered following receipt of the Hepatitis B and other vaccines, which they were required to have as a condition of their employment; further notes that such adults include doctors, nurses, paramedics, medical technicians and other health service personnel together with specialist civil servants, social workers, prison officers, refuse collectors and other public sector workers; recognises the devastating effect such adverse reactions can have on the long-term health of the individual, in some cases leading to debilitation and early retirement and a significant loss of income; further notes that there is no clear and transparent system of support for such adults as they are not eligible to make a claim under the vaccine damage Payment Act 1979 and often have to fight for industrial disablement benefits: acknowledges that in the United States 146 hepatitis cases have been fully compensated out of 578 applicants; and calls on the Government to include all occupational vaccines on the approved list under the vaccine damage Payment Act 1979, to provide for vaccine damage under the Industrial Injuries Scheme or establish a new scheme covering occupational vaccines for adults which includes all single and multiple vaccines and their component parts, and for the chosen scheme to protect all workers including those in training.

The signatories so far:

Stewart, Ian
Iddon, Brian
Miller, Andrew
Kaufman, Gerald
Sheridan, Jim
Willis, Phil
Russell, Bob
Hood, Jim
Jones, Lynne
Connarty, Michael
Dismore, Andrew
Borrow, David S
Taylor, David
Caton, Martin
Gerrard, Neil
Griffiths, Nigel
Palmer, Nick
Pound, Stephen
Purchase, Ken
Ruane, Chris
Havard, Dai
Howarth, George
Hoyle, Lindsay
Kilfoyle, Peter
Mackinlay, Andrew
Mallaber, Judy
Mann, John
Marshall-Andrews, Robert
Mullin, Chris
Murphy, Denis
Clarke, Tom
Clelland, David
Cook, Frank
Crausby, David
Cryer, Ann
Cummings, John
Davidson, Ian
Dean, Janet
Dobbin, Jim
Dobson, Frank
Dowd, Jim
Evans, Nigel
Flynn, Paul
Gapes, Mike
Godsiff, Roger
Hall, Patrick
Hamilton, David
Hancock, Mike
Anderson, Janet
Barron, Kevin
Begg, Anne
Betts, Clive
Taylor, Dari
Twigg, Derek
Wareing, Robert N
Wright, Anthony D
Anderson, David
Banks, Gordon
Hunter, Mark
Wilson, Phil
Roy, Lindsay
Humble, Joan
Meale, Alan
Burden, Richard
Clapham, Michael
Durkan, Mark
Strang, Gavin
Stringer, Graham
Turner, Desmond
Leech, John
Davies, Dai
Plaskitt, James
Pope, Greg
Prentice, Gordon
Price, Adam
Prosser, Gwyn
Illsley, Eric
Joyce, Eric
Keen, Alan
Lloyd, Tony
Love, Andrew
McDonnell, Alasdair
Olner, Bill
Opik, Lembit
Osborne, Sandra
Clwyd, Ann
Doran, Frank
Drew, David
Abbott, Diane
Ainger, Nick
Beith, Alan
Berry, Roger
Weir, Mike
Wicks, Malcolm
Thornberry, Emily
Mulholland, Greg

Source: EDM Parliament UK

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